Saturday, 16 February 2013

Watermelon Bowl

Our watermelon bowl was much more successful than my previous animals..very quick and easy to use, as well as handy!

Cucumber Shark and Apple Bird

After many tedious episodes of garnishing using vegetables and fruits, we decided to try it out for real. It is a lot harder than it looks! My cucumber shark and apple bird look much more dead than alive.

(Failed) Chocolate Truffles

We attempted to make chocolate truffles, but for some weird reason they didn't thicken well and stayed soft and too liquid-y, which made them almost impossible to roll into balls! We only managed to make one before giving up and deciding the rename it as chocolate pudding!

Ginger Chicken Udon Stir Fry

Time to go from sweet to savory! Our next meal was a delicious Ginger Chicken Udon Stir-fry that was delicious, quick to make, and made our breaths smell lovely all day!